
The trials and tribulations of a teenager who's just a little bit different from everyone else.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Two Days and Counting

Its been two days now and Ted hasn’t called me.  Ok, so my heart is broken, big whoop, huh?  Well, I’m not going to pretend that I’m not falling apart over the fact that I really like the guy, I mean, REALLY, and he’s suddenly treating me like a freakish outcast.  That sucks, and I’d probably be a nutcase over that by now anyway.

But I think there’s another problem.  During the last couple of weeks, I’d sort of gotten used to having Ted physically hanging all over me.  It was frustrating and annoying at times, the way he was so impossibly frigging gentle, and the fact that I knew it could go only so far, but at least, well, at least I was getting something, even if it was a  pretty pathetic something.  Even ubergirls need a hug every once in a while, and I’m missing Ted, honest.

But over the last couple of days, not only do I miss Ted, like the guy himself,  but I’m starting to really get antsy, desperate even for some kind of bodily contact.  I know, its pathetic and weird, but that’s how I feel, and I’ve been really messing with people as a result.  So far, I’m still playing miss goody goody at school and all, but at night, well, I’ve been pretty active fighting crime, as well as, um, well, I guess you could say playing with criminals too.

See, here’s the deal.  I got my issues just like any other girl, but fact of the matter is, I’m also like pretty much capable of not only doing anything I want to anyone, but, when the someone I’m talking about is a guy, a lot of times, they even think they’re willing.   Playing the helpless little would be rape victim is not something new to me.  It’s a good way to catch bad guys before they do something bad to someone else, and, um, well, I will admit, sometimes its kind of fun.

Usually, I just wait until I’m sure the guy is up to no good before I stop him and make sure he’s not going to do it again, but, um, well, sometimes, like just for kicks, I let things go a bit further.  Its sort of like a learning experience for me in some ways.  I mean, aside from the super strength and super speed thing, I  guess I got the same power all girls have over men, only, um, well, maybe I’m a bit super in that respect too.   Playing along means more than just making sure the guy doesn’t hurt himself or realize that I’m playing with him.  I mean, most girls in a situation like that would say something like, “Please don’t ….” and I guess it only spurs guys on more to do whatever it is a girl doesn’t want.  For me, on the other hand, its kind of different.  Whether it’s the way I look or feel, or whatever, I’ve discovered that I have to be real careful with that stuff.  Honestly, its like, even a frigging rapist sometimes turns into pile of jelly when he gets too close to me, and like, well, last night for example, it suddenly got weird, like I knew and I think even he knew that he was the victim.

Most times, when I stop it, toss the guy off me and wrap him up for the cops, he’s still pretty aggressive and all, but last night freaked me out.  Oh, sure, he was trying his best to rape me, but he had this look in his eyes, it freaked me out.  Its like he knew I was letting him, like he was soo desperate for it.  That sucked, as far as I’m concerned.  Its like way too close to the way Ted looks at me sometimes.

Normally, I’m gentle, even with creepazoids, but when I saw that look in his beady little eyes, I didn’t really think that much about how hard I pushed him off me.  By the time I got up, pulled my t-shirt back down and tracked him down, he was lying there whimpering.  I think he broke his leg or something when he landed.

It was freaky.  I did find a cop and tell him about the guy, but not what had happened.  I just said I heard some weird moaning and stuff, and took off before he went to investigate.  Hope I didn’t screw up too bad there.


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